Sunday 27 February 2011

pull up your bait!!

          since i know what  fishing are, it's straightly become a hobby for me. When fishing, I found there are lot of techniques and several of types to fishing. In this blog i'm just share about a little bit of my experience when i'm fishing and maybe some others experience to share in this blog.

   fishing also is an object lesson in the value of patience and the power of knowledge. For that we will have an experience to fulfilling our fun or frustration. That's an important lesson no matter how it is thougt. Fishing is patience and knowledge in action and the result is really quite amazing.

   However, fishing is not always be easy, sometimes it needs some effort and strong  patience to have a satisfying result.

Happy fishing!!

choose your stuff

There are lot of fishing material sell in the market.

rod can be found in the fishing shop or any supermarket that is selling fishing rods. selection of fishing rods also are in accordance with the place you will fish whether in a river, sea or ponds.

or we can buy it when we surf the Internet. There are many websites or blogs that sell fishing products.

 Reel  for fishing. There are many types and designs sold . we are able to  choose  any types of fishing gear  for us. This is the image i get from the internet.

 Another sample of reel design.

fishing lines are usually chosen according to the place to be fished.


 some kind of feedback that we can use it either live bait or artificial bait
Worms and shrimp have a habit of fishing as well as bait in the river or in the pool. And there are many more types of feed used. Even fish can also be used as bait for larger fish. This  is some kind of bait is which is more commonly used.

but the traditional fishing is still available to use.  

This is my fishing equipment.


Begin the journey to a fishing location..

 go to location..

 after take a few minutes journey we are finally reached at the location..

at location..

 being absorbed in fishing..

some kind of wild flower at there..

other location on fishing activity..

my friend showing the the fish that their fished from the river..

take some break with youtube

 let's take some break and see this video about fishing, enjoy it..